Line Following Robot

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raspberrypi3 Python Infrared Sensors
DC Motors


During my 2nd year at UBC, I was registered in a Project / Design course wherein I, along with 3 other Computer Engineering Students undertook a project to design and develope a Line Following Robot. This robot is run by a Raspberry pi 3 B+ with the help of 4 infrared sensors mounted in a triangular shape and 2 sets of DC Motors. Additional features included Collision Avoidance and Object Detection using SONAR sensors, "getting out of a Maze" capababilities and remote control.

Key feature of the robot that led to 2nd place podium among 6 other teams was the ability of the bot to identify straight and curved paths and accelerate / deccelerate accordingly. My key focus of developement was core logic (for line following) implementation, line detection, and path detection (straight / curved).